Last week with b at Universal Studios.

with Huili, on her 21st birthday party.
April is hell of a month. At least five "21st" birthday parties to attend to! They are joyful events but it also means a big burnt hole in my pocket. :( Im in the midst of preparing for my very own birthday party that is to be combine with b's since our birthdays are only two weeks apart. Hopefully everything will go smoothly and invariably turn out great. I'm pretty optimistic about it. :)
Anyway, I know I sound like a whiny broken record on twitter/fb lately, but I can't really summon a word to describe my feelings. I guess it's just the process of growing up. More reasons for me to be feeling stressed up and upset. Thankfully, God gave me a special innate ability to get over stuffs like that quickly.
And I am superbly thankful to god for giving me great friends who cares, and I truly appreciate that. You know who you are. <3
On a brighter note, i'm meeting my bff tomorrow!
till the next time.. goodnight for now. :D
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