Wake up -> prepare for work -> Work -> Back home -> 2 hours break -> Prepare for bed -> Sleep
and it starts all over again.

Don't even have the time to do what I do best...
Watching dramas & korean variety shows. Haha
Met up with bestie a few days back and omg it has been quite a while! I think we haven't meet up since I started work, which was like almost two months back. Nonetheless, Great quality time spent together, slacking, eating our favourite scramble eggs, chatting and chilling at her sofa. :)

Bb's having field camp this week. And next saturday will be our last weekend together before he head to Taiwan for more outfield. :( Can only pray for him to be safe! Since the weather will be a killer for him and his fellow mates.
Things to look forward in the coming weeks:
1. Jas' Yatch Party for her 23rd birthday!
2. SNSD's concert on 10th December
3. Bb coming back from taiwan + his block leave!
4. Christmas
5. My probation to end
Gonna go for some face loving now at Eileen's.
Ciao :D