I realized I had been neglecting this space for a bit. Sorry for the lack of updates! :x Havent been up to much lately, besides accompanying bb before his enlistment and his constant nagging for me to be in the driver's seat in prep since no one will be here to guide me. (He drives a manual car, and the car will be in my care for the time being, so you will know why he's worried.) But all is well, I drive it pretty well right bestie? :)
July pretty much went with the wind. Enough said, time for pictures before everything gets backdated!
Lengthy post ahead. Be warned!
My birthday dinner @ Mouth Restaurant. Food was awesome but the location was pretty bad. A very grueling experience. The entrance to the carpark was on a one way road, and the car park entrance was really small! So we missed it the first time, and had to detour to get back on the same road. O:
Flowers from bb.
I have totally no clue about it! That morning as usual, he woke up and went down to drive the car down to the loading bay. But this time he took a really long time before he came back up. I was curious but he told me he was cleaning the car which i sincerely believed. :p Later on, he rang the doorbell and I saw the flowers in his hands. Hehehe my heart just melted immediately. :D
Bb brought me to Meltz, The World Cafe @ Mandarin Oriental Hotel together with qw & cj!
A word to describe the food, service and ambience ....
Will definitely go back there again.
Steamboat at CJ's!
Just the thought of it makes me laugh. Had lots of fun just sitting around by the table with them.
Whoever says they're full, walked out of the dining area first will have to wash the dishes.
Everybody was already bloated from the food, and everyone kept sighing away. So someone will asked " Why you sigh?!"
At Peixin's Birthday Party.
Met many old friends from our secondary school. Old times. :)
Hi cookie. :)
Went bestie's place and went along to her wedding photoshoot on two occasions!
On the first trip we went sunset grill for dinner.
On the 2nd trip we went to eat the famous porridge at Chinatown. Love the raw fish!
Had the opportunity to test drive ben's dad's ferrari too! Vroom Vroom! :D

Gave a surprised birthday celebration for bestie & ben too! :>
Last but not least, Bb's enlistment.

Missed bb terribly! Feels weird not having him by my side. :(
19 August please come quick!
10 more days ...
Have been shopping online too much. But there's no end :P
Need a dress for bestie's wedding day. What should i wear?